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A member registered Sep 15, 2022

Recent community posts

Glad to hear about the fix, and thanks for all you've been working on.  I'm looking forward to a finished product.  One correction I would like to help you with is your use of the word "sense."  I've seen you make the same mistake several times.  The proper word is "since."  Forgive me for the technicality.

Looking forward to it

Looking forward to a finished product! 

I probably missed that one.

Is there one in the demo?  If there is, I'll go back and play it again.  Also, it should be noted that if you duck under an obstacle, and release the duck key/button, you are stuck like that.  It might be worth it to make the MC stand up if you release it if you're stuck under an obstacle.

Finally played the 2.0 demo, and I'm looking forward to the final product.  I liked the stamina bar and how smoothly played.  I didn't get the vision, if you had it implemented, since I fell into the quick sand.  I'm thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea to unlock missed regular scenes when you progress to the next level and an option to travel back to other areas if you choose.  Question: if you end up losing the vision rings, do they (or will they) respawn? 

I'm looking forward to it!  I've been following you for a long time.

I'm certainly looking forward to it.  I played the original version and I'm looking forward to the finished product.

Looking forward to it!

I think it could work either way.  If you choose to add them in, you could use diamond-shaped gems as the medium; it would match the overall feel of the game, and probably wouldn't need much explanation.  You could put a quick tutorial tip in the beginning to explain them.  It could say something like "Collect these to replenish Sanity."

I think I agree with you that it would detract from the overall game due to its nature.  It would be less about escaping and more about collecting and searching.  I like the idea of being able to unlock an event to do a speed run to collect all of the gems before the time runs out, else, well you lose.  The question would be: what would the reward be by completing the event?

Just a thought: how close to the Alpha game are you trying to get?

What would you do with them?

You have an exceptional game here.  I loved the original demo and I have been watching your game to see how it progresses.  I believe you should make it what you want it to be.  Ultimately, its about two kinds of fun: kinky and entertaining.

Linear is great, open roam is great.  Keep the story interesting and the controls simple.  Add in rewards and consequences.

Personally, I liked the multiple consequences you could have before losing the game and the scenes you get respectively.  I liked the challenge of the puzzles: mostly simple enough without outside help, but challenging enough to keep trying after failing...just to see what you get if you win.

Keep working it, don't overwork yourself, and don't think that you have to keep something because it's popular: it's your game.